Babies in vitro made in Madagascar

Babies in vitro made in Madagascar

Having one if not babies nourishes the dream of any couple. After several years of marriage, some do not and grieved. Medicine has developed a process that helps parents conceive their progeny in a conventional way: in vitro fertilization that no law prohibits in the great island.

Possible, but not guaranteed at 100%. A Malagasy expression States that if a man and a woman marry, it is to have children. In Genesis 1.28 a, God blessed man and woman and said to them: "be fruitful, multiply, fill the Earth." This verse indicates the importance of the place of a child or children in a family. Parents return the image of God to their offspring and transmit life to them.
However, each person has their own morphology and abnormalities can occur at the level of the parts that make up the genitals. This explains the problem of natural fertilization in women, the one that should take place in the fallopian tube. "A woman whose trunk is clogged or a man who is a victim of azoospermia-no sperm in the sperm-looks forward to baby and when the woman does not get pregnant, the couple loses all hope," says Dr. Andriamaro Rakotobe.

The gynaecologist, in collaboration with German and Italian specialists, puts his knowledge and new technologies at the service of medicine to help couples to enjoy the happiness and pleasure of cajoling a baby, twins and triplés, in their arm. In the common language, the technology of fertilization of "baby-test-tube" is indeed in Madagascar. When the doctor describes the process, verbally, everything seems so simple that a woman who longs for a child would immediately accept the test.

