IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection

ICSI or IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection is a method that has been used for about 25 years.

It is performed as a part of the IVF. It involves the sperm mechanically injected into the egg with a very sophisticated device for micro-injection.

ICSI preparationICSI is mainly used during IVF when there are moderate or severe male infertility.
It is also used in some cases of azoospermia caused by obstructions of sperm transport.

One of the greatest advantages of the ICSI is that only a very few spermatozoa are sufficient as long as they have a good morphology and a minimum of motility.

Azoospermia cases:

The spermatozoa are directly retrieved from the testicle or the epididymis (MESA, TESA) through a small surgery performed by a specialist, and will be selected and used for the ICSI.

In the past few years, the ICSI has become a widespread practice and is also used in other cases of infertility.