Fertilization – babies in vitro were born

Reproductive medicine has been successful in Madagascar. One hundred and fifty in-vitro babies have emerged in three years.
"Miracle" babies. One hundred and fifty in-vitro babies, "made in Madagascar", have emerged for three years, since this technique of fertilization has been carried out in Malagasy territory, according to the report of Dr. Rakotobe Andriamaro, obstetrician gynecologist at the fertility Center of Madagascar. "They are numerous because there are triplet and twins born thanks to the intervention," explains this gynecologist. It was at the square of the Town Hall in the city, yesterday, in the context of the Salon Medecine and Bonheur, which takes place on 6 and 7 July.
The first were born in September 2014, in a private clinic in the capital. It is a triplet, a girl and two boys who were doing well at birth. Since then, about seventy couples, having struggled to procreate, have been able to give life to babies.
It is not just the Malagasy who use this practice in Madagascar. "We count among our patients German, French, Guadeloupe, Ugandan, Nigerian and Comorian couples. They come to Madagascar to hope for procreation. A German couple has already tried IVF in Barcelona and Germany but without success. At home, he had tripled, suddenly. This shows that Madagascar has its place in medicine ", expresses with a big smile this gynecologist.
This reproductive technique is timely. More and more women would have a hard time having a child nowadays. Gynaecologists referred to it during the ninth scientific day of the Malagasy College of obstetrician Gynecologists (Comago), in August 2016. The causes are multiple, namely: "abortion, obstruction or removal of the tubes". This infertility can also affect women who have decided to have a baby only beyond their thirties.
This advancement in reproductive health will not stop in such a good way. Another project is in sight at the center of fertility. "Research is underway to apply in-vivo artificial fertilization (FAV) in Madagascar. It will be a technique "made in Madagascar", aims the gynecologist, Dr. Rakotobe Andriamaro.
A. miangaly Ralitera
The Madagascar express 
Source: http://www.lexpressmada.com/blog/actualites/fecondation-des baby in-vitro are nes/
